Our Services


RPM provides expert service and recommendations on reliability, safety, and maintainability enhancements for your aircraft. RPM specializes in Mooney, Bonanza, and PA-30 aircraft. Our services include: annual inspections with a reliability-centered approach, repairs, alterations, and modifications to engines, airframe, and various avionics; periodic and preventative services, such as oil changes, prop balancing, and AD compliance; and pre-purchase evaluation. Read more about our services below.

RPM Aircraft Services provides aircraft pre-purchase evaluation services to make sure you have detailed knowledge of the condition of the aircraft you are purchasing. Our Pre-Buy evaluations are thorough. We will perform a detailed assessment of the aircraft and identify both positive and negative characteristics along with rough order estimates to correct deficiencies found. These estimates can also be used to assist in any final negotiation should you decide to purchase the aircraft. We want you to know what you are “paying for.”

We can assist you in every phase of the purchase process including:

  • Evaluating your airplanes needs and identifying “the mission”

  • Evaluating an aircraft for sale as an initial pass / fail qualification before spending money

  • reviewing logbooks and records to verify aircraft is in compliance with AD’s and times are correct and compile a basic history of the aircraft

  • arranging a demonstration flight to verify aircraft and equipment operate normally

  • Physical pre-purchase evaluation to verify aircraft conforms to type certificate and is in airworthy condition

The internet is full of horror stories of folks buying their first airplane, finding a local mechanic to “look it over” only to find it hidden with damage or corrosion, and a giant list of deferred maintenance and discrepancies, and a huge shop bill to get it right. Our services are focused on mitigating these risks to the buyer. There’s a lot of neglected and used-up airplanes for sale, use us to help you find the right one.

Read one story of an RPM pre-purchase evaluation here: